Triton Go Product Manual |
Wiring and Connections
INGENIA | 05/29/2017
Analog input for potentiometer
Analog input for DC tachometer
Triton also provides a 5V, 200 mA and 3.3V 50mA outputs for feedbacks supply. These outputs are overload and
short circuit protected.
7.4.1 Digital Halls interface
The Hall sensors are Hall effect devices that are built into the motor to detect the position of the rotor magnetic
field. Usually, motors include 3 hall sensors, spaced 60º or 120º apart. Using these 3 signals, the drive is capable
to detect the position, direction and velocity of the rotor. Next figures show examples of digital halls signals.
Digital halls signals example (60º option)
Digital halls signals example (120º option)
Digital halls can be used for commutation, position and velocity control. Resolution using these sensors is much
lower than using encoders.
Triton Go can use single ended Hall sensors to drive the motor with trapezoidal
commutation, but not with sinusoidal commutation.
This interface accepts 0-5 V level input signals. Inputs are pulled up to 5 V, so industry standard open collector
and logic output hall effect sensors can be connected. Next table summarizes digital halls inputs main features:
Type of inputs
Single ended with pull-up and low pass filter
ESD protected