Main Screen
This will be the main “Ikarus OSD” screen. Before you start flying you must wait for GPS fix
position to establish the home coordinates, and its height (if you use relative height). If GPS is
disconnected will be indicated by an error message. Otherwise, you will see the number of satellites
acquired so far. If GPS speed was incorrectly set, the OSD will be experimenting with different baud
rates until it can received a properly NMEA frame from GPS. If it can not set the speed, maybe GPS
it's set to a not supported speed. Change this speed to one of the supported by “Ikarus OSD”, following
the instructions provided by the GPS manufacturer.
Once the GPS has got a 3D position fix, it will need a minimum of 4 satellites, will present an
additional "Ready to Fly" option that let us going to fly screen. If you do not want to wait to establish
a position, but has the home configuration properly stored in the configuration of the OSD, you can
skip to the flight screen by selecting "Exit." Once you have go to the flight screen, you can not return
to the main menu except restarting the OSD.
Ready To Fly: Exits from main menu and go to the flight screen. Store home coordinates
(longitude and latitude), height, and GPS speed it's detected.
Configure: Enter to Ikarus OSD setup menus. You can modify individual values of the OSD.
Calibrate IR / other: Enter to a menu offering various wizards for calibration of different
Exit: Exits the main menu and go to the flight screens, without recording the GPS position or
changing its speed. Not recommended to use unless you know what you are doing.
© Ikarus Team Sevilla 2010
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