Motor Battery Cap.(mAh): Indicates in mAh the motor battery capacity. Allows more
accurately monitor the battery discharge using the current sensor.
I Sensor Offset (mV): Indicates the voltage level presented by the current sensor when there is
no current flowing through it. This value can be gotten from the sensor’s data-sheet, measure
directly with the help of a voltmeter, or using the configuration wizard.
I Sensor Gain: Indicates the current sensor gain (mV/A). This value can be gotten from the
sensor data-sheet, measure directly with the help of a voltmeter, or using the configuration
wizard. You will need an ammeter or clamp ammeter or to known the maximum motor drawn.
RSSI min(mV): Indicates the output in volts from the receiver RSSI signal. To adjust the
minimum value, keep the transmitter off, so that the RX does not receive any RF signal. Can be
measured using a voltmeter, or using the dedicated wizard.
RSSI max(mV): Indicates the output in volts of the RSSI signal when receiving the signal from
the transmitter at full power. To adjust, power ON the transmitter with the antenna fully
extended very near from the receiver. Can be measured using a voltmeter, or using the
dedicated wizard.
Pilot Name: Specifies the Pilot name to be displayed on screen during flight. It’s common to all
GTM Time Zone: Indicates the user time zone. It is used to correct show the current time,
obtained from the aircraft GPS (GMT +0 / Zulu).
GPS Baud Rate: Indicates the GPS serial port speed. If not known, check your GPS manual.
Lets you choose between 4800, 9600, 14400, 28800, 38400 and57600.
OSD Screen: Allows you to set the OSD screen to be used during the flight, or to let the user's
selection from transmitter.
Telemetry: Indicates whether you want to send telemetry information from the plane to land
embedded in the video, through a serial radio modem (XBee), or else you will not send this
Input Mode: Allow to choose between a normal servo input, and a multiplexed PPM signal.
Not all receivers can provide a PPM signal.
PPM channel #: If using a PPM input, we must specify the channel number we will use to
control the OSD functions.
Control Mode: Specifies whether input control channel it’s connected to a 2 positions switch, 3
positions switch, a dial or slide potentiometer or if you have set any of the available mixes to
combined action of several switches. (223 or 224)
Camera Selector: It allows to set one of the two camera inputs of the OSD, or to leave it user
selected during flight.
© Ikarus Team Sevilla 2010
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