Wizards can perform more easily some "Ikarus OSD" configuration or calibration tasks, as
the current sensor, the receiver RSSI measurement (Signal strength) or IR sensor to stabilize the plane.
Most of these tasks will only need to be made once, when installing the OSD in the plane.
But, the IR sensor must be calibrated before each flight, as the temperature difference between sky and
land depends a lot on actual weather conditions, or the characteristics of the flight area.
Calibrate IR Sensor: Calibrate the infrared sensor used to stabilize the plane. This
should be performed at the beginning of each flight.
Calibrate RSSI: Calibrate the voltage (mil Volts) representing minimum and maximum levels
of reception. Must be done when installing receiver for first time, or replaced by another one.
Calibrate I Sensor: Calibrate the current sensor connected to “Ikarus OSD”. It’s necessary to
use an ammeter, or a clamp amp to make such calibration.
Configure IR Sensor: Sets the IR stabilization sensor. Depends on how you has place the sensor
over the plane, and only need to configure the first time you connect it to the OSD, or if you
change its orientation.
Configure Servo: Calibrate the servo travels.
Default Config: Sets the OSD with initial default values. Allows you to choose some basic
values as the GPS speed, or used video system.
Load Full Config: Loads from a file full OSD configuration. This includes the configuration of
OSD, autopilot and the various screens. It’s possible that after some OSD firmware updates it’s
required to reconfigure.
Save Full Config: Saves in a XML file the complete OSD configuration. It’s recommended to
make a backup once you have successfully configured all the OSD options in the, autopilot
gains, and individual screens.
© Ikarus Team Sevilla 2010
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