IR Sensor: Sets the IR sensor based on it placement (normal or crossover) on the plane. You
can also choose whether to use a single XY sensor or additionally incorporate a Z sensor,
avoiding this way the need to calibrate before each flight. You can use the configuration
wizards and IR sensor calibration on the wizard screen.
PID Controls: Ikarus OSD has 4 PID controllers adjustable by the user, according to the
dynamics of the aircraft to be used. Usually you only will set a P or PI controller, so the gain D
can be left to 0.
The different controllers are the following:
Pitch Gains: Pitch controller. Acts on the elevator control to keep plane leveled
Roll Gains: Roll controller. Acts on the aileron control to keep plane leveled laterally.
Tail Gains: Tail controller. Acts on the tail control to adjust the flight path to that
established by the course to the next waypoint. Its output can also be used to modify the
roll attitude of the aircraft using "Rumbo Ail"
Motor Gains: Throttle controller. Acts on the gas control to maintain airplane flying at
indicated height. Its output can also be used to modify pitch attitude of the aircraft using
"Altitud Ele "
The different variables that can be set on each controller are:
P: Controls the proportional gain of PID controller. A very small value causes a very
slow response of the aircraft. A value too high can make the control oscillate. Initially
adjust this gain only, leaving I & D to zero.
I: Controls the gain of the PID controller integral. It is used to help the P factor once it
stabilizes the plane, but not reaching the set end value. It makes the function of an
"automatic trim."
D: It controls the gain of the PID controller derivative. Normally you don’t need to use
this gain.
I Lim: Integral limit. To prevent that the integral factor can grow too much, this
parameter limits the maximum value that this integral can make. If the value is 0, the
gain set on I will not have any effect.
Drive Lim: Limit for the control surface. A 1 value indicates that the control surface can
reach the maximum levels set in the travel of each channel. Normally it’s not necessary
too much travel and can be reduced to prevent autopilot overrides. Values above 1 are not
Rev: Reverse the controller output. If you are not using any of the mixtures, its function
is similar to reversing the corresponding channel in "Servo travel". If some mixture is
used, you may need to be adjusted at both sites.
© Ikarus Team Sevilla 2010
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