Configuration Console
Allows configuration of some PC application settings. So, these values are not stored in the
OSD, but in the computer itself. You must set: pilot's name, language, television system, maps path,
logs path, HTTP or UDP ports.
Pilot Name: Specifies the pilot’s name. This name will be submitted to other Ikarus consoles
connected by a UDP port, or Google Earth (HTTP). This name can be different from what it’s
set in "OSD Setup" and to be displayed by "Ikarus OSD"
Language: Select between English and Spanish.
Video System: Selects between PAL and NTSC.
Telemetry Downlink: Video (embedded in the video) or XBee (serial port, if you use an
external radio modem).
Serial COM port: port number to use for telemetry (XBee), the antenna tracker or
In the future, the Ikarus ground station (Modulo TX), that will allow to pilot by Joystick or upload
waypoint from ground to plane using our own R/C transmitter.
COM Baud Rate: serial port baud rate.
TX System: Specifies if we are going to use a transmission module to control plane with a
joystick instead of the RC transmitter.
Antenna Tracker: Indicates if we are going to use an antenna tracker to point the video receiver
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