Screen Manager
Set the different OSD screens. Each screen may be stored separately in a text file. When
uploading a new screen to the OSD, or reading it, you must indicate the accessing "slot" and may be
chosen from Screen 1, Screen 2, Screen 3, Failsafe and Summary.
The failsafe screen is activated automatically by the OSD when no signal is received at the
RC receiver, or in the event that receiver includes failsafe, when the RX received signal from exceeds
the maximum programmed into the CTRL channel.
The summary screen is automatically activated when the aircraft is stopped by a period of 10-
20sec. Before activating the summary screen, the plane must have been moving for at least 10-20
seconds to avoid activating during preflight checkout. It’s disabled immediately if the aircraft is put
back in motion.
Using the drop-down menu "Simulation / Capture" we can see the result of the screen we're
editing. When we are in simulation mode, the instruments will be simulated by PC application and
shown on the screen. You can choose between PAL and NTSC to see results in both systems. In
capture mode, the mode will be forced by the console configuration. Negative numbers indicate rows
starting from the last screen row. In the video you can’t appreciate any changes until OSD is update.
From this screen you can also update the character set used by the OSD. If you want to use a
different character set other than provided, you must select it in the form’s bottom. You can also access
to the character editor.
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