Starting screen
When starting the program you can see the following window, which gives access to different
OSD configuration screens, autopilot setting, route manager, screens manager, and also the flight
Capture device: Select the video device to be used for display in flight console.
Cells # motor & cells #video: We must set the video and motor’s Lipo battery cell number. It’s
used to display correctly on the console the flight batteries’ status.
Console Config: Opens a form where you can set certain PC application parameters such as
video system (PAL or NTSC), the path where you store maps, or the HTTP or UDP ports to be
Ruta Manager: Manages the route to be made. A route consists of a series of waypoints for
which will have to go sequentially.
Screen Config: It’s used to configure the different "Ikarus OSD" screens. It allows setting the
data to be show by the OSD and its position on the screen.
Wizards: A series of wizards that facilitate the task of setting "Ikarus OSD"
Joystick Config: If you want to fly using a joystick in place of the RC transmitter (requires
additional device, Ikarus ground station, not yet available), it allows to set the different servos’
channels ranges and mixes, and to set the use of the different joystick’s buttons.
OSD Config: Allows configuring the basic OSD settings, such as different alarms, waypoints
range, control mode, etc.
Autopilot Config: It allows setting the "Ikarus OSD" autopilot options.
FLY!: Give access to the flight console.
© Ikarus Team Sevilla 2010
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