Ant. Tracker: Antenna horizontal orientation in degrees
Modo 1: 0º a 360º (0 North, 90 East, 180 South, 270 West)
Modo 2: -180 a 180º (0 North, 90 East, +180 o -180 South y -90 West)
Ant. Tracker Vert: Antenna vertical orientation in degrees (0 horizontal, 90º vertical)
Miles per Ah: Ratio Calculated ratio of distance traveled per mAh consumed.
RSSI: Signal strength from R/C transmitter.
Plane Rate: Glide ratio (metros traveled per meters descent)
Fly Time: Fly time elapsed.
Vertical Speed: Variometer or vertical speed (ascent o descent ratio)
On (1ch): Variometer using a single graphic character.
On (2ch): Variometer using two characters in separate rows, one for ascent and another
one for descent.
Ground Speed: Real plane's speed over the ground.
Texto: Text mode
Caza: Fighter mode
Vmotor (Text): Motor battery voltage in volts.
Vmotor (Bar): Bar graph indicating the motor battery voltage in function of the number of cells
Vvideo(Text): Video battery voltage in volts.
Vvideo (Bar): Bar graph indicating the video battery voltage in function of the number of cells.
Max. Altitude: Maximum altitude reached during the flight.
Max. Home distance: Maximum plane to home distance during the flight.
Max. Speed: Maximum speed over the ground reached by the plane.
Total traveled: Total distance traveled by the airplane.
Auxiliar: Debug values..
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