Autopilot Mode: Enables or disables the ability to use the autopilot during the flight. You can
select from several autopilot modes.
Base Altitude: Indicates the minimum altitude that aircraft must have at all times regardless of
the height specified in each individual waypoint. It is a security measure to prevent the aircraft
descending from a minimum safe altitude.
Distance Altitude: In addition to the base altitude, minimum altitude of the aircraft can be
increased in proportion to the distance to home thus allowing maintaining a higher quality of
radio signal reception.
Rumbo Ail: Allows the mixing of the tail with ailerons, to use the ailerons also when making
turns. If this value is 0, the autopilot will attempt keep the plane level and make turns just by
using the rudder (Tail).
Altitud Ele: It allows the mixing of motor control with the elevator. This way, change the
attitude of the plane along with the throttle control, to try to reach the indicated flying height.
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