Ideal Viscount GTE -
Installation, Assembly & Servicing
4.3 Filling the System
Filling shall be performed with a low flow rate from a low point in the
boiler room in order to ensure that all the air in the boiler is bled
from the high point of the system.
Always stop the pump before filling.
Instructions for starting up the boiler for the first time after the
system is fully or partly drained :
Never replace a boiler in an existing system
without carefully rinsing the system first. Install a
sludge trap on the return pipe, very close to the
If all the air is not bled naturally to an expansion vessel which opens
out onto the air, the system must include manual bleeder valves, in
addition to automatic bleeder valves with the capability to bleed the
system by themselves when it is operating. The manual bleeder
valves are used to bleed all the high points of the system and to
make sure that the filled system is free of air before the burner is
turned on.
Recommendations relating to the water system are contained in
BS. 5449 Pt. 2 and BS. 6880.
4.4 Sludge Removal
A tapped ø 2" hole with a plug has been provided on the bottom of
the front of the boiler. Fit a quarter-turn valve on the opening to
remove the sludge.
Sludge removal leads to the draining of large quantities of water, so
remember to refill the system after the operation.
2" tapped sludge
removal hole
The high-performance features of modern boilers and their use in
specific conditions as a result of the advance in burner technology
(e.g. first-stage or low modulation range operation) lead to very low
flue gas temperatures (less than 160°C).
This requires :
Flue insulation.
the use of flue pipes designed to enable the flow of
condensates which may result from such operating modes,
in order to prevent damage to the chimney.
the installation of a draining tee at the foot of the chimney.
The use of a draught moderator is recommended as well.
5.1 Flue Size
Refer to applicable regulations while determining the size and height
of the flue. Please note that GTE boilers have pressurised and tight
furnaces and that the pressure at the outlet must not exceed 0 mbar,
unless special sealing precautions have been taken, for instance in
order to connect a static condenser.
Detailed recommendations relating to the design of flues for GAS
fired appliances are quoted in BS. 6644 and British Gas Publication
No. IM11, whilst BS. 5410 Pt. 3 similarly applies to OIL fired boilers.