If Packet Protocol is enabled, messages must conform to the following
STX Addr Message Characters.. ..ETX Checksum
STX and ETX are ASCII characters
Addr is the 2363's address
Checksum is a 8 bit checksum created by exclusive ORing all of
the characters from the STX to the ETX character.
The 2363 responds to each valid packet with an ACK response packet if the
message was a query or with an acknowledgment response if the message
was not a query. The command acknowledgment packet contains the ESR
register value. e.g.
ACK Addr ESR Register Value ETX Checksum
ACK Addr Optional query response..ETX Checksum
A NAK packet with the following format is returned if the original
packet had a bad checksum or if there was a command problem.
NAK Addr ESR Register Value ETX Checksum
Some command-response examples are:
02 34 2A 63 6C 73 03 63
ACK 4 0
06 34 30 03 01
02 34 2A 78 78 78 03 67
NAK 4 32
15 34 33 32 03 23
02 34 2A 65 73 72 3F 03 44
ACK 4 32
06 34 33 32 03 30
02 34 2A 69 64 6E 3F 03 43
ACK 4 ICS-..
06 34 49 43 53 20 45.....2E 32 32 03 08