command syntax is the same as the 4863's GPIB command syntax. The
2363 has additional SCPI commands for setting its serial interface. Changes
to the serial interface are only made when the new values are recalled from
memory or when the 2363 is sent a UPdate command.
The 2363 automatically responds to the serial port that received the
command. 2363s use the same address parameter as does the 4863 but the
2363 address range is limited to 0 to 15.
The 2363 is capable of operating in a multi-device, RS-485 network. When
Network Address protocol is enabled, the 2363 only responds to commands
prefixed with the correct address string. All other commands and serial
messages are ignored. When Network Packet protocol is selected, the 2363
only responds to valid packets with its address. All valid packets are
responded to with an ACK packet, a NAK packet or with a reply packet. The
2363 only enables its RS-485 transmitter when responding to commands or
OEM Board Differences
OEM Board versions of the 4863 are available with various interface
combinations. Board configurations with GPIB capability, have an GPIB
signal header with extra inputs for reading the GPIB address from an
external switch. When the external switch is enabled, the external inputs are
examined at power turn-on time and replace the internal GPIB address. The
4863 displays its GPIB bus address by blinking the front panel LEDs at the
end of the power-on self test.
Some OEM Board configurations have an RS-232 or RS-485 interface for
communicating serially with the host computer. The use of the serial
interface is the same as described above for the Model 2363. When OEM
Boards have both serial and GPIB interfaces, the serial interface is enabled
at power turn-on time and disabled when the unit is addressed on the GPIB
bus and put into the remote state.
OEM users should document the board as part of their system and provide
instructions and command examples on how to operate the system. Only
include those 4863/2363 commands that the end user should change. The
setup and configuration commands can be locked out after the unit is