488.1 Capabilities
The 4863's 488 Bus interface meets the IEEE STD 488.1-1987 standard and
has the following capabilities:
SH1, AH1, T6, L4, SR1, PP0, DC1, RL0, DT1, C0 and E2 drivers.
GPIB Addressing
The 4863 has three, user selectable address modes. In the Single address
mode, the 4863 responds to a single primary address for all commands. In
the Dual mode, the 4863 responds to two consecutive primary addresses.
The lower address is used for commands and setting the device's address,
the upper address is used for transparent data transfer. In the Secondary
address mode, the 4863 responds to a single primary address and secondary
addresses 00 and 01. The lower address is used for commands, the upper
address is used for transparent data transfer. Valid primary addresses are
0 to 29 for the Dual address mode, 0 to 30 for the other modes.
Serial Poll Responses and SRQ Generation
The 4863's Serial Poll Responses and SRQ generation uses an IEEE-488.2
type reporting structure that has been enhanced by the addition of
Questionable and Conditional Registers for reporting the digital input
signal status and monitoring signal changes. The enhancement conforms
to the SCPI 1995.0 Specification.
488.2 Common Commands
The 4863 conforms to IEEE STD 488.2-1987 and responds to the following
488.2 commands:
*CLS, *ESE, *ESE?, *ESR?, *IDN?, *OPC, *OPC?, *PSC, *PSC?,
*RCL, *RST, *SAV, *SRE, *SRE?, *STB, *TRG, *TST?, and