3. If coolant is running out under the car or
steam is coming out from under the bonnet
stop the engine. Do not open the bonnet
until the coolant has stopped running or the
steaming has stopped. If there is no visible
loss of coolant and no steam, leave the
engine running and check to be sure the
engine cooling fan is operating. If the fan is
not running, turn the engine off.
4. Check to see if the water pump drive belt is
missing. If it is not missing, check to see that
it is tight. If the drive belt seems to be
satisfactory, check for coolant leaking from
the radiator, hoses or under the car. (If the
air conditioner had been in use, it is normal
for cold water to be draining from it).
While the engine is running, keep hands and
clothing away from moving parts such as
the fan and drive belts to prevent injury.
5. If the water pump drive belt is broken or
coolant is leaking out, stop the engine imme-
diately and call the nearest Hyundai dealer
for assistance.
Do not remove the radiator cap when the
engine is hot since steam and boiling water
may be ejected from the radiator resulting in
burns or scalding.
Personal injury and damage to the vehicle
may occur if jump starting is not performed
correctly. If any doubt exists as to how this
operation should be performed, seek assis-
tance from qualified personnel.
Motor vehicle batteries contain sulphuric
acid and emit hydrogen gas. Protective cloth-
ing should be worn and care exercised to
prevent the acid from coming into contact
with skin or clothing and the vehicle. Naked
lights should not be permitted in the vicinity
of the battery. Care should be exercised to
preventsparks occurring during connection.
If acid accidentally comes into contact with
skin or eyes, the affected area should imme-
diately be flushed with copious amounts of
water and medical assistance sought.
1. Ensure that the booster battery is 12 volt
type. If the booster battery is installed in
another vehicle, ensure that the two vehi-
cles are not touching.
2. Turn off all unnecessary electrical equip-
ment in both vehicles.
3. Ensure that the engine of the vehicle provid-
ing the jump start is running prior to connec-
tion of the jump cables.
4. Connect the red jump cable to the positive
(+) terminal of the booster battery and the
other end to the positive (+) terminal of the
discharged battery.
5. Attach the black jump cable to the negative
(-) terminal of the booster battery, and the
other end to a ground point within the engine
compartment of the vehicle with the flat bat-
tery. Do not connect to the negative battery
terminal of the flat battery since sparks may
be generated with the subsequent risk of
6. Raise the booster vehicle engine speed to
2,000 r.p.m. and start the engine of the
vehicle with the flat battery.
7. Remove jump cables in the reverse order of
installation (black cable first).
If the jump cable is incorrectly installed,
damage to the vehicle electrical system may
occur, in particular the electronic compo-
nents such as the Fuel Injection system
computer and the Automatic Transaxle com-
puter. The battery must never be discon-
nected whilst the engine is running.
If the temperature gauge indicates overheating:
1. Pull off the road and stop as soon as it is
safe to do so.
2. Place the gear selector lever in "P" (auto-
matic), or neutral (manual transaxle, semi-
automatic transalxe) and set the parking
brake. If the air conditioner is on, turn it off.