TAIL GATE (Not all models)
The tail gate should always be kept com-
pletely closed while the vehicle is in motion.
If it is left open or ajar, poisonous exhaust
gases may enter the car resulting in serious
injury or death to the occupants. See addi-
tional warnings concerning exhaust gases
on page 2-1.
o The tail gate is opened by first turning the
key clockwise to release the lock, then rais-
ing the door manually.
o To close, lower the tail gate, then press
down on it until it locks. To be sure the tail
gate is securely fastened, always try to pull
it up again.
The entire seatback and seat cushion may be
folded down and up individually.
o To unlock the seatback, pull up on the
seatback locking knob, then pull forward on
the seatback.
o After being folded down rear seat, pull the
lever on the rear side of the seat cushion to
fold-up the seat cushion.
o When you return the rear seat to its
upright position, always be sure it has
locked into position by pulling and push-
ing on the top of the seatback.
o When you return the rear seat to its
upright position after being folded down
and folded up, be careful not to damage
the seat belt webbing or buckle. In addi-
tion, do not allow the seat belt webbing
or buckle to get caught or pinched in the
rear seat.
Folding rear seatback and seat
cushion individually (Not all models)
o When you return the rear seat to its
upright position, always be sure it has
locked into position by pulling and push-
ing on the top of the seatback.
o When you return the rear seat to its
upright position after being folded down
and folded up, be careful not to damage
the seat belt webbing or buckle. In addi-
tion, do not allow the seat belt webbing
or buckle to get caught or pinched in the
rear seat.