Chapter I - The BAX® System X5 Instrument
BAX® System X5 User Guide
Decontaminating the Instrument Mount and Exterior Surfaces
1. Dilute a commercially available 5% bleach solution with pure water to create a 1% sodium hypochlorite
2. Wipe the exterior surfaces of the BAX® System X5 instrument and the mount with a cloth dampened
– but
not dripping wet
– with 1% sodium hypochlorite solution.
3. Let the solution sit on the instrument for 10 minutes.
4. Use a lint-free cloth moistened in pure water to thoroughly wipe the BAX® System X5 instrument and the
mount. Be sure to remove the sodium hypochlorite solution completely.
5. Use a lint-free cloth soaked in 70% ethanol to wipe the BAX® System X5 instrument and the mount.
6. Let the instrument air-dry for a minimum of 10 minutes before using the instrument.