Chapter III. The BAX® System X5 PCR Assays
BAX® System X5 User Guide
To process fewer than 32 samples, load
samples first in Row A and Row D,
starting at the corners.
Once the two outer rows are full, then
use Row B and Row C to load samples
in a symmetric pattern to ensure the
instrument mount remains balanced.
Close the instrument lid as soon as possible to
prevent the instrument from cooling. The process
run begins automatically.
Note: After the instrument lid is closed, it may take a
few moments for the instrument to stabilize before the
run begins. When the instrument is stabilized, the
process run begins automatically.
As the run progresses, the Instrument tab
displays a status bar and estimates the time
remaining before results can be viewed.
During the process, the instrument temperature is
displayed graphically in the Graph Tab labeled
“Temperature Profile”.
Note: Variations in the temperature profile between
different process runs are normal and do not affect
After processing is complete, the instrument
prompt under the status bar reads “The run has
Open the instrument lid and remove the PCR
tubes from the instrument mount. Close the
instrument lid.
Click the SAMPLES UNLOADED button to view
The temperature profile disappears after run is