Camera and Video
Share Your Photos and Videos on the Web
With Gallery, you can share photos and videos on your social networks, as well as post videos
on YouTube. You can also use the Camera or Camcorder application to share a photo or video
right after you
’ve captured it.
Share Photos and Videos on Facebook
You need to be logged in to your Facebook account to upload photos.
1. From the Home screen, touch
2. Touch the album that contains the photos or videos you want to share.
3. Touch
4. Touch the photo you want to share.
5. Write a description for the photo
6. Choose who can see your post. Choose specific friends or an entire list.
7. Se the location for the photo.
8. Touch
Share Photos on Picasa
You need to be signed in to a Google Account to be able to upload pictures to the Picasa™
photo organizing service.
1. From the Home screen, touch
2. Touch the album that contains the photos you want to share.
3. Touch
4. Select the photos you want to share, and then touch
5. Add a caption to the photos.
6. Select the online album where you want to upload the photos, or touch
to create a
new album.
7. Touch
You can view the photos online at