• No. of Agentless Remote Connections: The number of associated agentless remote connections.
• No. of Service Groups: The number of associated service groups.
Click an infrastructure group to view the details under each tab:
Web Service Connections tab
- a list of associated web service connections for XP7 Configuration
Manager. The following web service connection properties are provided.
◦ Name: Name of the web service connection.
◦ No. of Connections: The number of the web service connections.
Web Service Connections tab
shows the web service associated web service connections.
◦ Category: ConfigurationManager connections.
◦ Name: Name of the connection.
◦ IP Address/Host Name: IP address or Host Name of for the connection.
◦ Port: Port associated with the connection.
◦ Protocol: Protocol used by the connection.
◦ User ID: User ID for the connecting user.
◦ Connection Status: Indicates whether the connection is active or not.
◦ Connected Time: Shows when the current connection became active.
◦ Proxy: Shows any proxy associated with the connection.
Agentless Remote Connections tab
- a list of associated agentless remote connections. The
following agentless remote connection properties are provided.
◦ Method: Method to specify the connection destination.
◦ IP Address/Host Name: IP range or host name of the connection destination.
◦ Protocol: Protocol used by the connection.
◦ User ID: User ID for the connection destination.
◦ Connection Status: Status of the connection.
◦ Connected Time: Time of last connection attempt.
Services Group tab
- a list of associated services.
The following service group properties are provided:
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