Server requirements
To use this service template, the following servers are required:
Target server -- This is the server on which a supported version of Windows-based OS or UNIX OS is
installed. The commands must already be stored on the server.
Windows update program installation: Service details
This service uses a list of target machines for which the OS update is required (referred to as the OS
update information file, which is a CSV or Excel file.)
Each time Windows Update runs automatically, a file containing the following information is output to a
results file:
• Exceptions list
• Update program search results
• Successfully-installed update programs
• Update programs that were not installed
The following steps are repeated for each target server:
Information about the update target servers is obtained from the OS update information file.
On the target server, a search is performed for update programs that meet the following conditions:
• Update programs that are automatically updated by Microsoft
• Update programs that are not yet installed
• Update programs for installed software
The following are excluded from the search results:
• Update programs with numbers that are included (as an exact match) in the exceptions list
• Update programs requiring user entry (such as service packs)
From the results of steps (2) and (3), the required update programs are downloaded from Windows
The downloaded update programs are installed.
When this process finishes, a results file (text file) is output to a folder on the update target server. This
folder is specified by the property OS.updateResultOutputFolderNameRemote. The format of the file
name is
; for example:
The following describes how to specify the settings in the OS update information file specified by the
property OS.updateInfoFilePath:
Windows update program installation: Service details