◦ The first character of the key value column name must not be a number (one-byte or two-byte) or
any of the following symbols:! " # $ % & ' ( ) - = ^ ~ \ | ` ; + * [ ] { } , . < > ? _ /
◦ The key value column name cannot contain any of the following symbols: " # % & ' ( ) - = ^ ~ \ |
@ ; : + * [ ] { } , . < > ? /
◦ Column names other than the key value column must not contain any of the following symbols: ! [ ]
` , .
• A column name cannot exceed 64 characters (one-byte or two-byte).
Server requirements
The following servers are needed:
Update target server
A server running a supported version of a Windows-based OS.
Usage guidelines
• If an update program that automatically restarts is installed, the Windows-based OS automatically
restarts the update target server.
• Do not run multiple instances of this service on the same target server.
• For Excel files, make sure there are no merged cells or cells containing errors in expression (else a
null value is read for that cell). In addition, make sure no write-protection password is set for the OS
update information file (or else the task terminates abnormally).
• Make sure that string-type data and numeric-type data do not coexist in the same column. If different
types of data coexist, values might not be obtained correctly, depending on the specifications of the
ODBC driver.
◦ Numeric-type data includes the following types of base-10 numbers:
– Negative integers (Example: -12345)
– Fixed-point numbers (Example: 3.1415)
– Floating-point numbers (Example: 6.543E+10)
◦ String-type data is any data that is not numeric-type data.
• To obtain a column that contains different types of data from the file to read, first complete one of the
following steps:
◦ If the target file is an Excel file, prefix each numeric-type value with a single quotation mark (').
◦ If the target file is a CSV file, enclose each numeric-type value in double quotation marks (").
• If the OS update information file is a CSV file, enclose IP addresses in double quotation marks. IP
addresses not enclosed in double quotation marks might be interpreted as numeric-type data, which
prevents the task from obtaining the correct values.
Additional service templates