Property Key
Property Name
Required or optional
Virtual server name(s)
Specify the virtual server
name or names. Specify
server names as they
appear in VMware
vCenter Server, not by
host name. Separate
multiple virtual servers
with commas. The
maximum number of
virtual servers you can
specify is 99.
Virtual server destination Specify the name of the
destination VMware
vSphere ESXi (or
VMware ESX Server),
resource pool, cluster, or
Although some of the properties in the tables indicate that they can be omitted, they may be
required when used in conjunction with some other property setting as indicated in the descriptions.
The following conditions must be met:
• VMware vSphere ESXi (or VMware ESX Server) is managed by VMware vCenter Server.
• Each virtual server name is unique among the vCenter servers.
• The firewall of the target virtual server is set to allow responses to ICMP (ECHO).
• VMwareTools is installed on the target virtual server.
Server requirements
To use this service template, the following servers are required:
• vCenter server -- This is a server on which VMware vCenter Server is installed.
• vCenter control server --This is a server on which VMware vSphere PowerCLI is installed.
• Virtual server -- This is a virtual server managed by the vCenter server and VMware vSphere ESX.
If a target virtual server's power is on, the plug-in performs hot migration (migration with the
power on); if the target virtual server's power is off, the plug-in performs cold migration (migration with
the power off).
Usage guidelines
• When you move multiple virtual servers, the target VMware vSphere ESXi (or VMware ESX Server)
might experience a high workload.
• The same virtualization software product must be used for the source and the target.
Additional service templates