• Use common resource group names for all VSMs across the Storage Systems used in this service and
modify the associated shared service property from Shared Properties Settings pane.
• Install XP7 Configuration Manager and register remote storage system information across all systems
used by this service.
• Create one web service connection for the XP7 Configuration Manager REST API that uses the same
credentials for each storage system managed by the XP7 Configuration Manager REST API. In
addition to using the same credentials to access all storage systems, ensure that these credentials are
assigned the following roles:
◦ Security Administrator (View and Modify)
◦ Storage Administrator (Provisioning)
◦ Storage Administrator (Remote Copy)
Default ports
Port number
Communication from Automation Director client to Automation Director server.
Secure communication from Automation Director client to Automation Director
Communication from Automation Director to XP7 Configuration Manager.
Secure communication from Automation Director to XP7 Configuration
Edit Service settings
The following table lists the Edit Service settings for the Create High Availability Pair for Migration service
Navigation pane
Settings pane
Migration Source Settings:
Source Configuration Manager
Provides a table from which you
can choose the source
Configuration Manager
Connection used for migration.
Source Storage System:
Provides a table from which you
can choose the source storage
Source Volumes Filter:
Specifies filters to narrow down
the selection of source volumes.
You can filter by key (LDEV ID,
Label, or Pool ID), using an
operator, or by a specific value.
Join Filters by:
Specifies either "and" or "or" for
joining filters.
Table Continued
Services catalog