Home Repair Manuals Hotpoint WMA32 Dismantle & Repair
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Some Common Faults and Solutions
The machine does not switch on.
The obvious first;
Check the fuse, check the door is shut, check the power is on i.e. (
there isn’t a
power cut
) also check that the socket is not faulty by plugging in an appliance you
know is working (
such as a vacuum cleaner
). If your machine is hard wired
wired directly into the wall socket
) check the fuse.
Do not attempt a continuity test on this type of connection without first turning off
the power supply from your mains fuse box
Check the continuity of the cable (
none of the wires are broken
). Just because the
‘Power On’ neon is lit up does not mean the cable is all right. If the neutral (
wire were broken the neon could still light but the machine would not work.
Any electrical testing on a machine should be done with a multi meter or some other
electrical test equipment (Not a neon screwdriver) because the power needs to be
switched off before any testing is done.
To test for continuity you have to get access to the mains connecter block or mains filter
where the power cable connects to the machine
). This is located at the rear of the
machine under the lid, where the cable enters the cabinet.
The fixing point for the tops on these machines is either side at the front of the lid, where
the lid sits on the cabinet. There is normally a plastic plug which needs to be removed to
gain access to the screw.
Some of the screws used nowadays are the star head type, so be aware of this.
With the screws removed the lid can be lifted slightly at the front, and slid backwards
about an inch or so then lifted off.
Once you have located the terminal block / mains filter, connect one of the leads from
your test equipment to the Brown wire and the other end to the positive pin on the plug,
set your meter to ohms
and press the button. It should give you a reading of 0.5 or
lower to indicate the cable is OK. No reading (
that is if the
needle jumps right across the
) and you have a break in the cable. Check the Blue wire in the same way connecting
to the Neutral pin on the plug. It is also advisable to check for continuity in the earth wire
as well, although this would not prevent the machine from working, it is good practice
and from a safety aspect it is recommended. (A broken earth wire would leave your
machine unprotected should there be an insulation fault within the appliance).