Home Repair Manuals Hotpoint WMA32 Dismantle & Repair
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(21) Bearings…….
On the earlier models the bearings were held in by a cir-clip, however this is no longer
the case but it would be wise to check first anyway.
Complete all procedures in step
Place the rear half of the drum face down,
Using a metal rod or thin chisel, go through the centre
of the rear bearing at an angle, so it makes contact with
the front bearing, knock the inner bearings out, varying
the position of the rod, so the bearing comes out
reasonably even, or it may damage the housing.
The water seal will come out at the same time. Do not
hit the outer bearing because this has to be removed
from the other side. When both water seal and inner bearing are out, turn the drum up
the other way and support it on something above ground, so the outer bearing will
have clearance to exit the tub.
Knock the outer bearing out, once again alter the position of the chisel so it dose not
come out at an angle.
Before you buy your new bearings take the old ones to your supplier and compare them.
There are two sizes used on the WMA range of machines 30m and 35m. The size
difference is dependant on the spin speed of your appliance. If you have 30m bearing and
have to get 35m then you will also have to replace your drum support and the pulley, so it
is worth checking first.
The fitting of new bearings is not hard as long as you remember to keep them level
and do not hit the centre.
Tap the outer sleeve of the bearing at all times, and as with the removal process, alter
the point that you hit.
You could put a piece of wood over the bearing and hit that, but there is the
possibility it may twist and go in at an angle.
There is no easy and certain way of fitting new bearings in these drums, just be very
careful as you do it.
The water seal should fit OK, and end up with the lip sitting on the drum if the inner
bearing has seated correctly.
The outer bearing is far easier to fit because you can get to it better. Although the
same rules apply, hit the outer sleeve only and be careful.
Now complete all procedures in step
If you are not sure about fitting the bearings you can buy a complete rear half of the
container, which has the bearings already fitted. (But these are far more expensive).