The user can configure the COM 2 port for one of the
following interfaces (see Fig. 125):
• Single (Local) burner/boiler system.
• Switchable S7810M multiple burner/boiler system connection.
• Not used.
Fig. 125. User Preferences COM 2 tab.
The Multiple Modbus™ Masters checkbox is applicable only
for the Switchable mode configuration. This option permits the
Modbus™ network on the COM2 port to be shared with
another Modbus™ master (PLC, etc.). Special wiring is
required for this option to be implemented. Contact Honeywell
for more information regarding this feature if needed.
Changes to the COM 1 and 2 ports must be saved to flash
and the S7999B reset for the changes to take effect.
Trend analysis is only available in Local S7999B mode. For
more information about Trend Analysis, see the Trend
Analysis section on page 44.
Fig. 126. User Preferences Faults/Trend tab.
The audio alarm setting determines whether an audible alarm
should sound when a new fault occurs for one of the burner
system devices in the current view context. This option is
turned off by default.
The Show Fault Timestamp setting allows the user to decide
whether to always show the time that a fault occurs in the fault
history or not. This setting only applies to the display of the fault
time; it does not affect the recording of the fault time. Therefore,
turning this setting off does not mean that past or future fault
times are lost. This setting is turned off by default. This feature
should only be used with single burner systems as the
timestamp is reset when changing to another burner system.
Home Page Title
A custom Home page title may be entered to override the
default ControLinks™ title. The “Home Page Title” button
displays a page similar to Fig. 127.
Various fonts and colors may be used. The text box shows
how the title will appear on the Home page. If too large a font
or too many characters are used, the text will get clipped.
Fig. 127. Home Page Title setup.
Touching the TItle text box allows the title text to be edited. A
keyboard screen displays (Fig. 128) with the custom title in it.
Up to 30 characters can be entered for the title. Selecting the
“Shift” button allows the user to switch between upper and lower
case letters. Select the “OK” button when done editing the text.
The “Save” button saves the title information displayed on the
screen to the S7999B flash. After this information is saved, the
settings will persist after an S7999B power reset.
Fig. 128. Home Page Title—Enter TItle Name.