Trend Analysis
You can view a Trend analysis of the primary application
sensor input. A 60-second, 60-minute, 24-hour, or 30-day
sample history of the sensor reading is kept for each controller
input sensor. The trend analysis is displayed as sensor value
over time with the graph updated at run-time once every
second. You can switch between sample history times
(seconds, minutes, hours, days) by pressing the button that
shows the measurement currently displayed (seconds,
minutes, hours, days).
Fig. 87. Trend analysis displayed in seconds.
Trend analysis data can be cleared, by the user. After the data
is cleared the trend graph begins with new sample data.
The following table lists which sensor inputs are sampled.
NOTE: Not all data is sampled per controller. Some data
input is dependent on the UDC controller model. For
example, a PID Load controller provides water tem-
perature or steam pressure input, but not both,
based on the UDC controller model.
UDC controllers that can have more than one con-
current sensor input, such as the Steam/Fuel Flow
Monitor, only display one of the sensors at a time.
The user decides which sensor input data to view.
The user can select which status from the UDC controller
status page to display on the Local Home page, if any, on the
UDC controller status page.
Stack Temperature Controller
The current stack temperature is obtained from the UDC
controller and displayed in text value and in a bar graph on the
page. Upper and lower limits of the stack temperature range
are displayed on the page next to the temperature bar graph.
Fig. 88. Stack Temperature Controller.
If a High Temperature alarm is configured in the UDC
controller, the alarm is displayed on the page along with the
current alarm setpoint. An LED displayed on the page
indicates whether the alarm is active (red) or inactive (green).
If a High Temperature alarm is configured in the UDC
controller, the user can adjust the setpoint.
If an FGR Permissive alarm is configured in the UDC
controller, the alarm setpoint setting is displayed on the page,
and the user can adjust the setpoint. An LED displayed on the
page indicates whether FGR is permissive (green) or not
Table 6. Trend analysis controller source data
UDC controller
Data Input
Stack Temperature controller
Stack temperature
PID Load controller
Water temperature
PID Load controller
Steam pressure
Feed Pump Level controller
Vessel level
Steam/Fuel Flow Monitor
Steam flow rate
Steam/Fuel Flow Monitor
Gas flow rate
Steam/Fuel Flow Monitor
Fuel oil flow rate
Steam/Fuel Flow Monitor
Total steam flow
Steam/Fuel Flow Monitor
Total gas flow
Steam/Fuel Flow Monitor
Total fuel oil flow
Thermal Shock controller
Water supply temperature