Fig. 107. Edit Air Percentage.
To insert a new point in the curve:
• Select a point in the point list above or below the new point
values you wish to insert.
• Edit the point type and actuator open% values.
• Select the “Add Point” button.
As each point is added to the curve, the new point displays in
the point list on the left. The point list may be reordered to
keep it in Air Open% order. A total of 24 points can exist in the
To delete a point in the curve:
• Select the point in the point list on the left side of the
screen that you wish to delete.
• Select the “Delete Point” button.
The deleted point is removed from the point list on the left.
When finished, or, if you want to complete the curve at a later
date, select the “Save” button to store the edited curve to
flash. Select the “Cancel” button to abort any changes made
and return to the Offline Curve Builder page (Fig. 104).
Copy Curve
To copy a curve, select the curve to copy from the curve list on
the left side of the screen (Fig. 104). Select the “Copy” button
and a dialog box displays, asking the user to confirm the copy
Fig. 108. Copy Profile Curve.
Delete Curve
To delete a curve, select the curve to delete from the curve list
on the left side of the screen (Fig. 104). Select the “Delete”
button and a dialog box displays, asking the user to confirm
the delete (Fig. 109).
Fig. 109. Delete Profile Curve.
View Curve
To view a profile curve, select the curve from the curve list on
the left side of the screen (Fig. 104). Select the “View” button
and a graph displays with the curve similar to Fig. 110.