Fig. 102. Burner System Name.
Select the “Save Changes” button to save the names to the
S7999B flash; otherwise they will revert to the default names
when the S7999B reboots. A confirmation dialog box displays
(Fig. 103), asking the user to proceed with the save operation.
Fig. 103. Save Burner System Names to flash.
In System S7999B configuration only, you can specify which
burner/boiler system status variable you want displayed on
the System Home page. A separate status variable is selected
for each burner/boiler system. These selections can be saved
to flash for permanent configuration.
In Local S7999B configuration, you can specify which UDC
controller status variable you want displayed on the Local
Home page. A separate status variable is selected for each
UDC controller. These selections can be saved to flash for
permanent configuration.
In a Switchable configuration, you can only configure burner
system names when S7999B is configured for S7810M
Modbus™ network. In this configuration (S7810M Modbus™
network) you can assign UDC controllers to burner/boiler
systems. Assignments can be made without UDC controllers
connected to the network (off-line assignment). These
assignments can be saved to flash for permanent
Offline Profile Curve Builder
The Offline Profile Curve Builder is only available on Local
S7999B and Switchable modes. It is used to create a curve
without having the burner firing (not in Commissioning mode).
The S7999B is capable of storing 10 profile curves in its flash
memory. The curves can be stored by saving them during
commissioning time, building them from scratch, or editing an
existing one with this Offline Curve Builder. Each curve may
contain up to 24 points, but can be as small as only one point
of any type for some user-defined purpose (partial curve).
Entire curves can be copied, renamed or deleted. The Curve
Builder checks the curve for some validity when it is saved,
but it reserves all safety validation to the R7999 at
commissioning time. Basic validity checking will display which
points have errors and the type of error involved. It does not
apply all the same safety checks and rules that the R7999
does, so some points may not get loaded during
commissioning. The R7999 may reject any invalid points or
slopes that do not fit within actual actuator spans.
When the user selects the “PROFILE CURVES” button, a
page similar to Fig. 104 displays.
Fig. 104. Offline Profile Curve Builder.
A list of all current profile curves stored in the S7999B flash
display on the left side of the screen. Information about the
currently selected curve displays on the right side of the
screen. Selecting a different curve in the list on the left causes
the right side to get updated with information about that curve.
A row of buttons is displayed on the bottom of the screen that
provides the user with different curve functions:
• “Add”—to add or create a new profile curve.
• “Edit”—to edit the settings in the currently selected curve.
• “View”—to view the currently selected curve in a fuel/air
ratio graph.
• “Copy”—to copy the currently selected curve to another
one with a new name.
• “Delete”—to delete the currently selected curve from the
profile curve directory (S7999B flash).