Camera Link Line Scan Camera
User Manual
Click Execute in Activate Shading, and enable FPNC User Enable.
Figure 10-29
FPNC Correction
PRNUC Correction
Click Shading Correction, and select PRNUC Correction as Shading Selector.
Select PRNUC User Selector according to actual demands.
Set PRNUC target related parameters according to actual demands.
Disable PRNUC Target Enable if you want to use the camera’s auto correction standard. At
this time, the camera compares and corrects the average R/G/B component value of each
column with the average R/G/B component value of the entire image.
Enable PRNUC Target Enable if you want to manually correct. For mono cameras, set
PRNUC Target, and for color cameras, set PRNUC Target R, PRNUC Target G, and PRNUC
Target B according to actual demands. At this time, the camera compares and corrects the
average gray value or R/G/B component value of each column with the configured gray
value or R/G/B value.
Click Execute in Activate Shading, and enable PRNUC User Enable.
(Optional) Enable PRNUC Smooth Enable to reduce the dust impact during calibration process.