Camera Link Line Scan Camera
User Manual
6.3 Serial Port Tool
Apart from the MVS client software and frame grabber software, the serial port tool can be used to
detect camera status, read and set its parameters.
You can set camera parameters by connecting Camera Link serial port cable. When accessing the
camera or using the terminal in the application software, you are required to set the parameters as
Table 6-3
Serial Port Parameters
Serial Port Parameters
Baud Rate
9600 bps
Data Bit
Parity Bit
Stop Bit
Stream Control
The camera parameters can be set via the MVS client software, frame grabber software or
serial port tool, but you cannot use them at same time.
The default value of the camera’s baud rate is 9600 bps.
The command for setting camera parameters via port is sent in the format of ASCII code. The
camera setting commands are send by user’s application. After receiving commands, the camera
will return a value (success or fail). The specific command format is shown below.
Table 6-4
Command Description
Command Format:
< Command > < Node Name > < Value> <\r>
Note: Simply put, input the command and press Enter.
If the writing command has been set, the returned value is as follows.
Success! <\r> <\n>
If the reading command has been set, the returned value is as follows.
Success! <\r> <\n> <\r> <\n>
get < Note Name > : <Value> <\r> <\n>
If setting the writing or reading command fails, the returned value is as follows.
Failed! <\r> <\n> <\r> <\n>
Wrong input format. <\r> <\n>