Malfunction diagnosis
Control box/Communication interface −
Issued error codes
Time-out blower speed
Electrical wiring between oil firing unit and
Exchange the cables
blower is defective
Defective blower
Exchange the blower
No formation of flame during the safety time Oil supply: Excessive low pressure in the
Check oil supply in accordance with the
suction line
Excessive pressure in the combustion
Check the flue gas system
Check the level of deposits of the boiler’s
heat exchanger and carry out cleaning, if
At condensing value boilers: Secure outflow
of condensation
Defective electrical wiring
Check electrical wiring
Defective pump motor
See 3: Pump motor
No development of the ignition spark
See 4: Ignition
Defective oil pump
See 5: Oil pump
Depending on start-up adjustment
defective coil of solenoid valve
1./2. stage
See 6: Solenoid valve
Defective flame detector
See 7: Flame detector
Defective oil nozzle
See 8: Oil nozzle
Flame blow-off during the burner's operation Oil supply: Excessively low pressure
Check oil supply in accordance with the
in the suction line
Defective flame monitoring
See 7: Flame monitoring
Defective motor for the pump
See 3: pump motor
Defective oil pump
See 5: oil pump
Depending on start-up adjustment
defective coil of solenoid valve
1st/2nd stage
See 6: solenoid valve
Leaking air/exhaust system
Check the air/exhaust system
10: Error of remote unlocking
Burner is running unstable and requires
The burner must be disconnected from the
repeated external corrective actions
power supply system to delete display
(5 x suppressions within 15 minutes)
of the error code
11: Formation of flame during the pre-aeration
Depending on start-up adjustment
and pre-ignition
defective coil of solenoid valve
1st/2nd stage
See 6: solenoid valve
Defective flame detector
Exchange the flame detector
15: Time-out of oil pre-heater
Defective oil pre-heater
Exchange the oil pre-heater
Defective electrical wiring of oil pre-heater
Check the electrical wiring
32: Power supply
Under-voltage < 190 V AC,
Check the power supply
over-voltage > 260 V AC, voltage cut-off
Automatic re-start (no fault shutdown)
48: Interruption of bus communication
Bus communication wiring is defective or
Check the electrical wiring
Blower is rotating at maximum speed
Defective electrical wiring
Check the electrical wiring
Blower doesn't start
Defective electrical wiring
Check the electrical wiring
Blower is running with heavy noise
Defective arrangement of the motor shaft
Exchange the blower
Pump motor
Motor doesn't start
Defective condensator
Exchange of condensator
Sluggishness of bearing
Exchange of motor
Sluggishness of oil pump
Exchange of oil pump
No formation of ignition spark
Defective ignition unit
Exchange the ignition unit
Defective ignition cable
Exchange the ignition cable
Defective oil firing unit
Exchange the oil firing unit
Defective insulating of the ignition electrode
Exchange the ignition electrodes
The position of the ignition electrodes
Adjust the position of the ignition electrodes
are not correct
by means of the adjustment plate
The ignition electrodes are very dirty
Clean the ignition electrodes
Defective wiring of the power supply
Exchange the electrical wiring
of the ignition unit