Hanatech Co., Ltd.
Chapter 7
Korean Cars
Korean autom otive industry has experienced rapi d devel opment and
progress both in si ze and technol ogy in less than 15 years since its first fuel -
inj ection vehi cl e was introduced in 1987. Duri ng this relativel y short history of
on-going experiments, Korean car makes impl em ented and tested control
system s from various suppliers such as Bosch, Siemens, VDO, D elphi ,
Melco, etc. And they actuall y manufactured hundreds of different m odels
using di fferent control system s throughout the relatively short industrial
history. From a scanner’s vi ewpoint, the genealogical chart of Korean cars is
very m uch compli cated and it is di fficult to provide suffi ci ent coverage.
H anatech, the m anufacturer of Multiscan, has been developing afterm arket
scan tools from the very begi nning of the fuel inj ection history of Korean cars
since l ate 80’s, and such accum ulati on of experi ence and know-how in
Korean dom estic m arket enabled Mul tiscan to provi de original equipment
level functions and coverage for all Korean cars.