Hanatech Co., Ltd.
Chapter 6
C. Func tio ns
1. 17 Pin Rectangular and Semi-Circular Adap ter
a Diagnosti c
Troubl e
D TC readout is provi ded i n Flash code pulse signals for all systems
when usi ng this adapter.
This old comm uni cation type does not al low bi -di rectional
com municati on between the scanner and the ECM. ECM simpl y
transm its the slow pulse signal when the appropriate DLC termi nal
is grounded.
Faul t code erase by a scanner is not available for the pulse signal
type communication.
You m ust remove the (-) battery termi nal to clear the faul t codes.
Removing the battery term inal will get ri d of al l inform ation contai ned
in the car stereo and other electronic devi ces. And i t m ay not
effectivel y erase the fault codes in some cars. Refer to the original
repair manual for further informati on.
c Data
D ata Stream / Servi ce Data / Li ve Data is supported for Engine only
for this type of adapter.