For Multiscan
d Supported
R ectangular Adapter: Generally only Engi ne and SRS systems are
supported with this type of adapter.
For the other systems such as ABS, TCS and Cruise Control, onl y
the flash code manual reading is avail able by counting the relevant
Malfunction Indi cation Lamp bli nki ng when the adapter is connected
to the vehicle side DLC.
S em i-C ircular Adapter: When the vehicle has 17 Pin Semi -Ci rcular
adapter, all system s including Engine and SRS are supported
through this adapter.
2. 16 Pin OBD2 Adap ter
a Diagnosti c
Troubl e
Faul t code read and erase are both
avai lable when using the OBD2 adapter
N ei ther manual flash code reading nor
battery term inal rem oval is necessary
for code read and erase.
b Data
S ervice data / Data stream / Live data is available for most systems
S uspensi on and Cruise control system s of a few m odels may
support D TC pulse signal onl y. Data stream is not available for
these exceptional m odels.
c Actuation
Actuation test is available for vari ous system s when usi ng this