Hanatech Co., Ltd.
Chapter 2
3. Toyota/Lexus 17Pin Se mi-circular Adapter
(P/N. 3001-0012)
Also used for the diagnosis of Toyota and
Lexus of OBD generation 1.
The vehi cl e si de DLC is general ly found
beneath the dashboard.
Refer to the following w arning m essage.
The appearances of this adapter and
M AZDA 17Pin adapter
are exactly
sam e, however, the internal wi ri ng and circui t are di fferent. Check the
engraved name
and the
body color
of the adapter carefully before use.
Im proper adapter connection may result in serious malfunction of
either control system and Multiscan head unit.
4. Honda 3 P in Adapter and 2 Pin Jump Wire
(P/N. 3-pin: 3001-0014, 2-pi n wire: 3001-0023)
3-pin adapter is used for the diagnosis of Honda
cars of OBD generation 1 that support DTC
read and erase as wel l as data stream .
Older Honda cars have 2-pin DLC that supports
DTC read only. The jump wire is used for these
older cars to bridge the 2-pin DLC termi nals.
The vehi cle side DLC is generally located under
the dashboard or the glove box.