Hanatech Co., Ltd.
Chapter 2
The appearances of this adapter and
Toyota 17Pin SEMI-CIRCULAR adapter
are exactly same, however, the i nternal wiring and circui t are different. Check
engraved name
and the
body color
of the adapter carefull y before use.
Improper adapter connection may result in serious malfunction of either
control system and Multiscan head unit
9. Subaru 9P in Adapter
(P/N. 3001-00)
Used for the com municati on with Subaru cars of
OBD generation 1.
The vehi cle side DLC is generally l ocated
beneath the dashboard.
10. GM Daewoo 12P in Adapter
(P/N. 3001-00)
Used for the communication with Daewoo cars
of OBD generation 1.
The vehicle side DLC is general ly located
beneath the glove box, door side.
11. Kia 6Pin Adapter
(P /N. 3001-0003)
Used for the communicati on with old
Kia cars of OBD generation 1.
Onl y the Diagnosti c Troubl e C ode
reading function is avail able for the
cars wi th this type of adapter as only
the slow pulse signal is transmitted
through the vehicle side DLC .
The split wi re of the adapter is to be connected to the ground terminal of
the vehicl e side DLC.