For Multiscan
5. Mitsubishi and Hyundai 12Pin Adapter
(P/N. 3001-0001)
Used for the comm uni cation
with Mitsubishi and Hyundai
cars of OBD generation 1.
A wi re type adapter is provided
as the connecting di ffi cul ties of
capsule type adapter in quite a
few H yundai cars were
6. Mitsubishi 12+16pin dual headed adapte r
(P/N: 3001-0030)
Used for the com munication with
Mitsubishi cars with both of 12-pi n
OBD1 and 16-pin OBD2 adapters
Refer to the Mitsubishi secti on,
Chapter 6 for details.
7. Nissan and Samsung 14Pin Adapter
(P/N. 3001-0006)
Used for the communi cati on wi th Nissan cars
of OBD generation 1 and all Sam sung
passenger cars.
Vehi cle side DLC is generall y found under the
dash or i nsi de the fuse box.
8. Ma zda 17Pin Adapte r
(P/N. 3001-0013)
Used for the comm uni cation with Mazda cars
of OBD generation 1.
Vehi cle side DLC is generally located in the
engine com partm ent.
Refer to the warning message i n the next page: