Hanatech Co., Ltd.
Chapter 1
Engine Compartment
Maintai n sufficient clearance between moving components or
bel ts whi le using the test equipment in the engine compartment.
Movi ng components and bel ts may catch loose cl othing, test
cables or a part of your body and cause damage or personal
i njury.
Electrical Components
Al ways turn the igni ti on key OFF when connecti ng or disconnecting electrical
components unless otherwise instructed.
Vehicle Battery
Multiscan is designed to prevent damage from reverse polari ty battery cabl e
connection, however, i t is always hi ghl y recom mended to always ensure correct
pol arity term inal connection.
N ever l ay the test equipment on vehi cl e battery. You m ay short the term inals and m ay
cause damage to your body, the test equipm ent or the battery.
To avoi d dam agi ng the test equi pm ent or displaying false data, make sure the vehicl e
battery is fully charged and the connections to the el ectronic control m odul e are clean
and tight.
The warning messages above and the safety messages contained hereinafter cover
si tuati ons H anatech is aware of. Hanatech cannot know, evaluate or advise you as to
all of the possi ble hazards. You must make sure that any conditi ons or servi ce
procedures encountered do not j eopardi ze your personal safety.