For Multiscan
I. SAFETY INSTRUCITONS -----------------------
Thank you for purchasing Multiscan. To get the m aximum perform ance of the
equipm ent, please carefull y read this m anual first, and keep it at hand.
On delive ry inspectio n
When the equipment is delivered, a check should be made for any damaged or
missing com ponents. If the unit is damaged or fails to operate accordi ng to the
specifications, contact your local distributor or the manufacturer, Hanatech Co., Ltd.,
Hana bldg., 80-1 Songjung-dong, Gumi -shi, Kyung-buk Republic of Korea 730-090.
In the unli kel y event the equipm ent requires shipping back to the manufacturer, please
use the original packing m ateri al .
Safety s ymbols
The following sym bols are used throughout this m anual:
This mark means that dangerous consequences m ay
arise, with the possibility of death or serious injury to the
user, if the machine is handl ed i ncorrectl y.
This m ark m eans dangerous consequences may arise,
wi th the possibility of somewhat seri ous injury to the user
and or dam age to the machine and facilities, i f the
equipment is handheld incorrectl y.
SYMBOL Descri ption
This symbol is affixed to locati ons on the equipment where
the operator shoul d consult correspondi ng topics in this
m anual (whi ch are also m arked wi th the
sym bol ) before
using relevant functions of the equi pm ent. In the manual,
this sym bol i ndi cates explanati ons that are parti cul arl y
im portant that the user is expected to read the m anual before
using the equi pment.
This sym bol represents DC (Di rect Current)