For Multiscan
1. The difference of Toyo ta from the o ther Japanese cars
Japanese cars wi th the exception of Toyota and Nissan have ID check system.
A scanner comm uni cates with an EC M to get the ECM ID num ber to identify
the test vehicle. Then automati cally determines the appropriate communication
protocol accordingl y.
However, Toyota has no such ID check system. To get the correct response, it
is absolutely necessary to let the scanner know which car it is going to talk to.
Each vehi cle m odel code has different types of engine and control system. Even
the num ber of sensors is different. To get full inform ation that the vehicle ECM
transmits, the m odel sel ection m ust be as speci fi c as possibl e.
If a scanner starts com muni cating with the EC M after simply sel ecting the adapter,
the best result you can get is limited data for the generic i tems that are comm onl y
found in all Toyota cars.