Chapter 6
2. Performance
Mul tiscan SUBARU software was engineered and developed in Australi a
and New Zealand for the cars in this regional market where Multiscan
provides m ore than 90% of the original equipm ent coverage.
b Mul tiscan SUBARU software covers SUBARU cars from 1994 model -
year up to 2002 as of May 2003.
c Subaru software is being upgraded and is scheduled to extend its
coverage to 1994 or earli er model years before the end of year 2003.
Please contact your local distributor and check the avail abi lity of update
3. Difference
a It is very diffi cult and tim e consuming to anal yze al l the system IDs for a
certai n car m ake. Most scanners provide only the l imited readouts that
are comm only available i n all SUBARU cars.
b Mul tiscan identifies each EC M version and provides the most optim ized
and precise di agnosti c inform ation of OE tool level.