SPANNTOP [nova] – Safety
lated cutting force of F
= 1226 N is far below the limit
of 4500 N.
In this example, principles 4 and 5 are again irrele-
vant because both principles must only be considered
for radial drilling work.
Result of the sample
All four limits are verified.
At full axial loading of the chuck with Fax=45 kN a no-
minal 105 kN is applied radially on the workpiece.
This satisfies the condition F
≥ F
Thus the machining can be executed.
It must be ensured that the chuck is in good condition
relative to degree of contamination and lubrication.
A check of the radial clamping force with a suitable
clamping force gauge must be executed in advance
of the machining as a precautionary measure. The
values determined in this process must be within the
range shown in section 3 »Clamping force diagram «
shown for RPM.