[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/50] dldp enable
[DeviceA-GigabitEthernet1/0/50] quit
# Set the interval for sending Advertisement packets to 6 seconds.
dldp interval
# Set the DelayDown timer to 2 seconds.
dldp delaydown-timer 2
# Set the DLDP mode as enhanced mode.
[DeviceA] dldp work-mode enhance
# Set the port shutdown mode as auto mode.
dldp unidirectional-shutdown auto
# Enable DLDP globally.
[DeviceA] dldp enable
2) Configuration on Device B
Configure Device B as you configure Device A.
3) Verifying the configurations
You can use the
display dldp
command to display the DLDP configuration information on ports.
# Display the DLDP configuration information on all the DLDP-enabled ports of Device A.
[DeviceA] display dldp
DLDP global status : enable
DLDP interval : 6s
DLDP work-mode : enhance
DLDP authentication-mode : none
DLDP unidirectional-shutdown : auto
DLDP delaydown-timer : 2s
The number of enabled ports is 2.
Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/49
DLDP port state : disable
DLDP link state : down
The neighbor number of the port is 0.
Interface GigabitEthernet1/0/50
DLDP port state : disable
DLDP link state : down
The neighbor number of the port is 0.
The output information indicates that both GigabitEthernet 1/0/49 and GigabitEthernet 1/0/50 are in
Disable state and the links are down, which means unidirectional links are detected and the two ports
are thus shut down.
Correct the fiber connections after detecting the problem, and perform the following operations:
# Reset DLDP state for the ports shut down by DLDP.
[DeviceA] dldp reset
# Display the DLDP configuration information on all the DLDP-enabled ports of Device A.