Measure Key
4.4 [LIST MEAS] Page
The [LIST MEAS] page will appear when you press the
[Measure] key and then the [LIST MEAS] soft-key.
Figure 4-6
On the [LIST MEAS] page, the list points are swept and
the measurement results are compared to the limits.
During a sweep, an asterisk mark (*) will appear on the
left side of the list point currently being measured.
This page provides the following information:
Trigger mode [TRIG].
Test mode [MODE].
Range mode [RANGE].
Measurement recording [LOG].
These conditions can be set from [MEAS DISPLAY]
page and [SETUP] page.
4.4.1 Trigger Mode [TRIG]
Select the trigger mode for LIST MEAS here; manual
trigger is generally used for LIST MEAS.
When entering the LIST MEAS function, the default
trigger mode is the manual trigger mode.
You can use the cursor button to highlight the TRIG
source field and select the other available trigger sources.