Cause / Remedy:
(a) Use the extended error index number (S#) to identify which iQ2 feature contains the invalid setting (Refer to ta-
ble at end of Command Fault Error list). Please review the con
guration shown on the CONFIG I/O page of the
visualization to correct the invalid setting.
(a) Please contact Gorbel® After the Sales Service at 800-821-0086 or 585-924-6262.
Error #332 - ERROR_X67_2_IO_MASK_SETUP
At startup, unit detects an error while con
guring the second X67 spare IO module based on the con-
guration setting.
Lift program terminates processing to prevent running with an incorrect con
guration setup.
Cause / Remedy:
(a) Use the extended error index number (S#) to identify which iQ2 feature contains the invalid setting (Refer to ta-
ble at end of Command Fault Error list). Please review the con
guration shown on the CONFIG I/O page of the
visualization to correct the invalid setting.
(b) Please contact Gorbel® After the Sales Service at 800-821-0086 or 585-924-6262.
Error #333 - ERROR_X67_3_IO_MASK_SETUP
At startup, unit detects an error while con
guring the third X67 spare IO module based on the con
ration setting.
Lift program terminates processing to prevent running with an incorrect con
guration setup.
Cause / Remedy:
(a) Use the extended error index number (S#) to identify which iQ2 feature contains the invalid setting (Refer to ta-
ble at end of Command Fault Error list). Please review the con
guration shown on the CONFIG I/O page of the
visualization to correct the invalid setting.
(b) Please contact Gorbel® After the Sales Service at 800-821-0086 or 585-924-6262.
A.5. Command Faults - Other Status
At startup, both the upper and lower limit switches are triggered. This can inhibit the ACOPOS drive
from properly setting its position.
Lift program terminates processing because the drive cannot properly con
gure its position.
Cause / Remedy:
(a) Check for any mechanical binding that could engage both the upper and lower limit switches.
(b) Check if the limit switch cable is properly connected to the Actuator interface board.
(c) Check for bad electrical connection or shorted wires from the switches.
A.6. Command Faults - Custom Motion Control
If multiple virtual limit (VL) sets (Q2/iQ2 feature) are enabled then only one digital input can turn on
at a time to select a VL set (does not apply to custom programs utilizing multiplexed inputs). This error is triggered
when the unit detects that multiple inputs are turned on at the same time.
Lift is shut down to prevent unit from falsely responding to a wrong set.
Cause / Remedy:
(a) Check for any electrical problem on the switches or devices connected to the input channels to falsely turn on at
the same time.
(b) Check for the electrical connection to the input channels of the lift (DM 9324 IO block in the actuator or X67
expansion IO module or Handle I/O).
(c) Check the mechanical setup to ensure that there are no overlapping sensors/conditions to trigger multiple VL
zones simultaneously.
(d) Faulty input channels in the DM 9324 IO block or X67 expansion IO module or Handle I/O.
If multiple Auto Home commands (Q2/iQ2 feature) are triggered simultaneously. Only one digital input
can turn on at a time to select Auto Home (does not apply to custom programs utilizing multiplexed inputs). This
error is triggered when the unit detects that multiple inputs are turned on at the same time.
Lift is shut down to prevent unit from falsely responding to a wrong set.
Cause / Remedy:
(a) Check for any electrical problem on the switches or devices connected to the input channels to falsely turn on at
the same time.
(b) Check for the electrical connection to the input channels of the lift (DM 9324 IO block in the actuator or X67
expansion IO module or Handle I/O).
G-Force® & Easy Arm Q2 - iQ2 Service Manual
Gorbel Inc.
Revised 5/21
6 - 12