ZP3 Fire Control Panel Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance Manual
Page 80
REV 11 (ISS 08/03/2010)
Zone allocation
All input devices on a loop must be assigned to a zone. This includes sensors, callpoints, and
interface units. Output devices such as sounders and line relays can be optionally zoned if
required. Zones must be specified and numbered, and the point addresses belonging to each
zone must be defined.
Zone identification messages
Each zone requires an identification message. The message displayed in the “Points” view can be
up to 29 characters in length (on networked panels due to the panel numbers field) or 33 on
standalone panels. If the feature, which displays the time of each alarm on-screen, is enabled,
then the visible space for the zone message is reduced by 6 characters. It is not necessary to
include the zone number in the message, as this is displayed automatically. All 40 characters are
logged on the printer.
Point information
The address of each point to be used in the system must be defined, together with the type of
device at each point address.
Device identification message
Each device in the system has an identification message, which is tagged to the point address of
the device. For Z-loop devices this message can be up to 40 characters in length. For panel
outputs, the message can be 10 characters in length.
Detector self-test
ZP700 series sensors have a self-test capability that is used by the panel to automatically test
them every 24 hours. This test is optional, and can be specified on a device-by-device basis.
Certain devices on the loop (for example, conventional detectors connected via interface units),
do not have a self-test facility, and would have this function disabled. The default setting is [SELF-
Sounder bases
A sensor can be connected to a sounder alarm base (SAB), providing the ability to provide an
audible alarm at each sensor. The point address of each sensor fitted with a sounder base must
be specified, and whether the sounder is powered from the Z-loop, or externally powered. This is
dependent upon the number of base sounders, the required sound output (in decibels), and the
size and length of loop cabling. Refer to the relevant base sounder application documentation for
more information.
Loop sounders
Sounders can be connected directly to the Z-loop, and assigned their own point address. The
point address of each loop device, which is a sounder, must be specified, in order for it to behave
correctly. In addition, it must be specified whether the sounder is powered from the Z-loop, or
externally powered. This is dependent upon the number of base sounders, the required sound
output (in decibels), and the size and length of loop cabling. Refer to the relevant loop sounder
application documentation for more information.