ZP3 Fire Control Panel Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance Manual
Page 6
REV 11 (ISS 08/03/2010)
Description Specification/
Zone pre-alarm
Point pre-alarm
System test mode
Power on
Switched outputs (standard)
Sounder circuits
Monitored sounder circuits, programmable as one o/p
“1 + 2”
Sounder circuits
Monitored sounder circuits, programmable as one o/p
“3 + 4”
Fire (common)
Voltage-free relay contacts, common to all fire alarms
Fault (common)
Voltage-free relay contacts, common to fault alarms
Remote manned centre (fire)
Monitored voltage output to RMC transmitter for fire
Remote manned centre (fault)
Monitored voltage output to RMC transmitter for fault
Switched outputs and inputs
Relay outputs
Up to 896
Transistor "open-collector" O/P
Up to 896
Sounder-circuit outputs
Up to 896
Monitored Inputs
Up to 896
A total of 896 (768 freely programmable) inputs or
outputs can be connected to each ZP3 panel. These
inputs and outputs can be a mixture of any of the
standard device types shown
Optional printer
24-character panel-mounted
Plain-paper printer with menu-selectable programme
Note 1:
This is the output voltage available to provide power to auxiliary boards, such as sounder output boards. It
must not be used to power devices not related to the fire system. With the mains on it is regulated at 24-
29 VDC, and with the mains off it provides battery voltage, which will be approximately 3 V lower than the
battery voltage when a full load (4 A) is connected. As a safety feature, line device analogue information is
ignored by the panel at very low input voltages. Battery voltages from 19 to 21 V (and lower depending on the
current being drawn) cause the panel to display the message “fire detection inactive”.
Note 2:
This is the total power supply capability, used for all panel and user operations. The peak current is only
available for short periods of time, not exceeding 30 minutes.
Note 3:
Maximum current used internally by the panel, excluding detectors and external devices.
Note 4:
After deducting panel operation and battery charging requirements, the current remaining is available for use
by external devices such as detectors, accessory boards and sounders. This is the maximum current available
while the system is in a non fire alarm condition.
Note 5:
In a fire alarm condition, the battery charging is disconnected. Therefore, in a fire condition, additional current
is available for external fire alarm devices only, such as sounders.