ZP3 Fire Control Panel Installation, Commissioning and Maintenance Manual
Page 74
REV 11 (ISS 08/03/2010)
System configuration: control key levels
This menu is used to set the common functions of the panel.
The menu path is: Setup/System Configuration/Control Key Levels. The Control key levels menu
sets the access levels for the following functions (see Table 19).
Table 19: Function access level options
Option Description
Define required access level [1-open access, or 2 (or higher) restricted access] for the [SOUND
ALARMS] control key.
Define required access level [1-open access, or 2 (or higher) restricted access] for the [SILENCE
ALARMS] control key.
Define required access level [1-open access, or 2 (or higher) restricted access] for the
Define required access level [1-open access, or 2 (or higher) restricted access] for the [RESET] control
Define required access level [1-open access, or 2 (or higher) restricted access] for the [RESTORE
DISABLED ALARMS] control key.
Level-1 allows open access and Level-2 (or higher) requires a password before the control key operates.
The panel’s “controls” key switch must be in the ON position in both cases. See also the “Control k/switch”
option in Table 23 on page 76.
System configuration: peripheral comms
This menu is used to set the common functions of the panel. It allows for the setup of the
communications parameters for networked panels, and for the SCB-bus connected to remote
display units and remote control units).
The menu path is: Setup/System Configuration/Peripheral comms. See Table 20 for available options.
Table 20: System configuration – peripheral comms options
Option Description
Defines port number, comms protocol, baud rate parameters, number of bits, parity, and stop bits.
Specifies quantity of RDU's (remote display units) and RCU's (remote control units) connected to panel
via SCB-bus. Maximum is 63.
Comms hardware settings for handshake and timeouts. Precise usage of timeouts varies according to
selected protocol. Timeouts should be left at their default settings unless additional interface
equipment with special requirements is used. Timeouts for interruption of communications:
(a) acknowledgement (b) offline/inter-packet (c) inter-character
The range for this setting is 000 to 255.
When a level-4 user accesses this menu, the timeouts can be individually edited. If a level-3
user accesses this menu, the user can use the Timeout defaults option, but not edit the
individual timeout settings.
Press F2 if required to default the selected port’s timeouts as follows:
* Timeout 1 = 4 secs (on all Z-ports)
* Timeout 2 = 7 minutes (on all Z-ports)
* Timeout 3 = 50 (on all Z-ports)
Hardware handshaking lines RTS, DSR, CTS and DTR may be enabled or disabled as a group. The four
handshake lines default to “disabled”.
In networks, each panel must mark as [ONLINE] the address numbers of all the other panels that it must
communicate with. Each panel must also define the type of information and control functions to send to
the other panels in the network.
Peer define Defines the properties of all network panels, e.g. number of loops, zones, and communication ports.